Results Recalculated in 2019
Retrospective view
Number of human expert groups registered95
Number of prediction servers registered122
Total number of targets released (human/server targets)114 (53)
Total number of refinement targets released28
Total number of assisted prediction targets released15
Targets canceled for all/human predictions17 / 17
Number of targets received from
     Joint Center for Structural Genomics (JCSG): 45
     Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC): 4
     Midwest Center for Structural Genomics (MCSG): 17
     Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG): 27
     New York Structural Genomics Research Center (NYSGXRC): 1
     Non-SGI research Centers and others (Others): 20/b>

Prediction format
Number of groups/servers contributing (unique)
Number of models designated as 1
Total number of models
TS: 3D coordinates 150 / 69 11144 45836
RR: Residue-residue contacts 26 / 22 2514 2514
DR: Disordered regions 28 / 26 3135 3136
FN: Binding sites prediction 19 / 11 1817 1817
QA: Quality assessment 37 / 25 3897 7679
TR: Model refinement 50 / 13 1070 4320
All: 212 / 120 23871 66297

Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)
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© 2007-2019, University of California, Davis