Results Recalculated in 2019
Retrospective view
Number of human expert groups registered111
Number of prediction servers registered80
Total number of targets released (human/server targets)82 (56)
Total number of refinement targets released42
Total number of assisted prediction targets released14
Targets canceled for all/human predictions11 / 11

Prediction format
Number of groups/servers contributing (unique)
Number of models designated as 1
Total number of models
TS: 3D coordinates 128 / 43 8362 37672
TS (assisted prediction targets) 16 / 1 109 528
RR: Residue-residue contacts 38 / 30 3077 3077
QA: Quality assessment 47 / 32 3700 7400
Interface accuracy 3 / 0 65 66
TR: Model refinement 39 / 5 1457 6227
All: 188 / 80 16770 54970

Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)
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© 2007-2019, University of California, Davis