Results Recalculated in 2019
Retrospective view
Number of human expert groups registered201
Number of prediction servers registered65
Total number of targets released87
Targets canceled12

Prediction format
Number of groups contributing
Number of models designated as 1
Total number of models
TS: 3D coordinates 166 6992 23119
AL: Alignments to PDB structures 37 1455 4484
RR: Residue-residue contacts 17 830 4484
DP: Structural domains assignments 24 1033 1293
DR: Disordered regions 20 1144 1420
FN: Binding sites prediction 26 867 990
All: 208 12321 32703

Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)
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© 2007-2019, University of California, Davis