1. |
N0953s2 |
2018-07-20 |
2018-07-23 |
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2018-08-16 canceled on 2018-08-02 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target representing the second subunit of the H0953 heteromer. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Each zip includes five (tab-delimited) text files. E.g. T0953s2_ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) T0953s2_dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) T0953s2_ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) T0953s2_RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) T0953s2_seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf
2. |
N0957s1 |
2018-07-26 |
2018-07-29 |
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2018-08-17 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target representing the first subunit of the H0957 heteromer. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for each target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts); _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi); _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints); _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings); _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence). The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
3. |
N0989 |
2018-07-31 |
2018-08-03 |
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2018-08-18 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target corresponding to regular target T0989. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts); _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi); _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints); _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings); _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence). The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
4. |
N0968s1 |
2018-08-03 |
2018-08-06 |
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2018-08-19 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target representing the first subunit of H0968 heteromer. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for each target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
5. |
N0968s2 |
2018-08-03 |
2018-08-06 |
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2018-08-19 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target representing the second subunit of H0968 heteromer. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for each target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
6. |
N0980s1 |
2018-08-07 |
2018-08-10 |
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2018-08-22 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target representing the first subunit of H0980 heteromer. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for each target includes tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
7. |
N0981-D1 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-23 |
This simulated NMR data-assisted target corresponds to domain 1 (res. 34-119) of T0981. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
8. |
N0981-D2 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-23 |
This simulated NMR data-assisted target corresponds to domain 2 (res. 120-190, 394-402) of T0981. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
9. |
N0981-D3 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-23 |
This simulated NMR data-assisted target corresponds to domain 3 (res. 191-393) of T0981. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
10. |
N0981-D4 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-23 |
This simulated NMR data-assisted target corresponds to domain 4 (res. 403-513) of T0981. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
11. |
N0981-D5 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-23 |
This simulated NMR data-assisted target corresponds to domain 5 (res. 514-640) of T0981. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
12. |
N0980 |
2018-08-10 |
2018-08-13 |
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2018-08-26 |
This is an NMR-simulated data-assisted target representing the heterodimer target H0980. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for each target includes tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
13. |
N1005 |
2018-08-10 |
2018-08-13 |
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2018-08-25 |
This is simulated NMR data-assisted target corresponding to T1005. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes five tab-delimited text files: _ambiR.txt (NMR-derived ambiguous contacts) _dihed.txt (NMR-derived ranges for phi and psi) _ECs.txt (Evolutionary constraints) _RDCs.txt (NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings) _seq.txt (protein/domain sequence) The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
14. |
N1008 |
2018-08-10 |
2018-08-13 |
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2018-09-10 |
This is REAL NMR data -assisted target corresponding to T1008. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes four files: 1. ambiguous restraints; 2. dihedral angle restraints; 3. sequence file; 4. a README describing the sample and the nature of the restraints. The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf
15. |
n1008 |
2018-09-18 |
2018-09-21 |
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2018-09-30 |
This is REAL NMR data -assisted target corresponding to T1008. The data are posted at http://predictioncenter.org/download_area/CASP13/extra_experiments/. Zip file for the target includes experimental data for dihedrals, ambiguous distance restraints, and the sequence. With respect to earlier suggested target N1008 (starting from capital 'N'), now both backbone AND extensive sidechain resonance assignments were used to generate the Ambiguous Contact file, so the false positive rate is very low. There is also a README explaining the data. The guidelines on the NMR-assisted data can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/Montelione-CASP_NMR.pdf and http://predictioncenter.org/casp13/doc/NMR_format_descr.pdf