1. |
R0949 |
2018-05-31 |
2018-06-03 |
- |
2018-06-21 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=49. Residues 1-42, 96-105 and 182-183 are not ordered in the crystal structure and deleted from the starting model. The structure contains a bound Cu ion.
2. |
R0958 |
2018-06-01 |
2018-06-04 canceled on 2018-06-10 |
- |
2018-06-17 canceled on 2018-06-10 |
Canceled - paper appeared online.
3. |
R0957s2 |
2018-06-05 |
2018-06-08 |
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2018-06-26 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=39. Residues 1-6 are absent from the target structure and deleted from the starting model.
4. |
R0959 |
2018-06-05 |
2018-06-08 |
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2018-06-25 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=45.
5. |
R0962 |
2018-06-06 |
2018-06-09 |
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2018-06-27 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=63 (on residues 2-178). Residues 1 and 179-220 are absent from the target and deleted from the starting model.
6. |
R0968s1 |
2018-06-14 |
2018-06-17 |
- |
2018-07-04 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=45. Residues 1-5 and 124-126 are absent from the target structure and deleted from the starting model.
7. |
R0968s2 |
2018-06-14 |
2018-06-17 |
- |
2018-07-04 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=50.
8. |
R0974s1 |
2018-06-22 |
2018-06-25 |
- |
2018-07-13 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=66. Residues 1 and 71-72 are absent from the target structure and deleted from the starting model.
9. |
R0981-D4 |
2018-07-03 |
2018-07-06 |
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2018-07-24 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 4 (res. 403-513) of T0981. Starting model's GDT_HA=45 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). Please remember that the original target is a homotrimer. The interface in the starting model is modeled reasonably accurate.
10. |
R0981-D5 |
2018-07-03 |
2018-07-06 |
- |
2018-07-24 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 5 (res. 514-640) of T0981. Starting model's GDT_HA=42 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). Please remember that the original target is a homotrimer. Residues 605-623 are a part of a homotrimer interface and modeling of this segment can be improved the most.
11. |
R0981-D3 |
2018-07-05 |
2018-07-08 |
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2018-07-26 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 3 (res. 191-393) of T0981. Starting model's GDT_HA=32 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). Please remember that the original target is a homotrimer. The interface in the starting model is modeled reasonably accurate.
12. |
R0977-D2 |
2018-07-06 |
2018-07-09 |
- |
2018-08-01 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 2 (res. 360-563) of T0977. Starting model's GDT_HA=68 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). Please remember that the original target is a homotrimer. The interface in the starting model is modeled reasonably accurate.
13. |
R0986s1 |
2018-07-09 |
2018-07-12 |
- |
2018-08-01 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=59. Residues 1-4 are absent from the target structure and deleted from the starting model.
14. |
R0986s2 |
2018-07-09 |
2018-07-12 |
- |
2018-08-01 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=49.
15. |
R0992 |
2018-07-11 |
2018-07-14 |
- |
2018-08-01 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=65. Residues 1-3, 111-126 are absent from the target and deleted from the starting model.
16. |
R0989-D1 |
2018-07-13 |
2018-07-16 |
- |
2018-08-03 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 1 (res. 1-134) of T0989. Starting model's GDT_HA=34 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). Please remember that the original target is a homotrimer. There is a lot of room for improvement, especially in the N-terminus.
17. |
R0997 |
2018-07-18 |
2018-07-21 |
- |
2018-08-08 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=42 (on residues 44-228). Residues 1-43 are deleted from the starting model.
18. |
R0979 |
2018-07-19 |
2018-07-22 |
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2018-08-09 |
This is the first oligomeric refinement target in CASP. Being a trimer, it is somewhat longer than other refinement targets in CASP13: 276 residues total. GDT_HA of the starting model's monomeric unit is 55 (on 92 residues; residues 1-5 and 98 are absent from the experimental structure). LDDT score of the oligomeric starting model is 0.81; the inter-chain contact accuracy score F1=43%. All rules pertaining to submission of regular homo-oligomeric targets apply here.
19. |
R0999-D3 |
2018-07-20 |
2018-07-23 |
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2018-08-10 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 3 (res. 866-1045) of T0999. Starting model's GDT_HA=54 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). The original target is a homodimer.
20. |
R1002-D2 |
2018-07-23 |
2018-07-26 |
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2018-08-13 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 2 (res. 60-118) of T1002. Starting model's GDT_HA=66 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
21. |
R1001 |
2018-07-24 |
2018-07-27 |
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2018-08-14 |
Starting model's GDT_HA=53. Residue 1 is absent from the target and deleted from the starting model.
22. |
R1004-D2 |
2018-08-03 |
2018-08-06 |
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2018-08-19 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 2 (res. 152-228) of T1004. Starting model's GDT_HA=60 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
23. |
R0982-D2 |
2018-08-07 |
2018-08-10 |
- |
2018-08-23 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 2 (res. 146-277) of T0982. Starting model's GDT_HA=50 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
24. |
R1009-D3 |
2018-08-07 |
2018-08-10 canceled on 2018-08-21 |
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2018-08-23 canceled on 2018-08-21 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 3 (res. 595-718) of T1009. The target is a glycoprotein. Starting model's GDT_HA=63 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain). Canceled: structure 6dru appeared in the PDB on Aug 21.
25. |
R0976-D1 |
2018-08-08 |
2018-08-11 |
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2018-08-24 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 1 (res. 9-128) of T0976. Starting model's GDT_HA=69 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
26. |
R0976-D2 |
2018-08-08 |
2018-08-11 |
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2018-08-24 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 2 (res. 129-252) of T0976. Starting model's GDT_HA=65 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
27. |
R0993s2 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-24 |
This refinement target corresponds to second subunit of H0993 complex. Starting model's GDT_HA=51. The His-tag was not observed in density, so that the chain should start with residue 12.
28. |
R1016 |
2018-08-09 |
2018-08-12 |
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2018-08-24 |
This refinement target corresponds to T1016. Starting model's GDT_HA=63.
29. |
R0996-D4 |
2018-08-10 |
2018-08-13 |
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2018-08-25 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 4 (res. 351-483) of T0996. Starting model's GDT_HA=53 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
30. |
R0996-D5 |
2018-08-10 |
2018-08-13 |
- |
2018-08-25 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 5 (res. 484-604) of T0996. Starting model's GDT_HA=56 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).
31. |
R0996-D7 |
2018-08-10 |
2018-08-13 |
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2018-08-25 |
This refinement target corresponds to domain 7 (res. 709-848) of T0996. Starting model's GDT_HA=55 (calculated on residues belonging to the domain).