Results Recalculated in 2019
Retrospective view

Description of the experiment

Goals Scope Timetable Participation Targets Predictions Format Assessment Results Meeting Organizers Assessors


CASP6 main goal is to obtain an in-depth and objective assessment of our current abilities and inabilities in the area of protein structure prediction. To this end, participants will predict as much as possible about a set of soon to be known structures. These will be true predictions, not ‘post-dictions’ made on already known structures.

The broad goals of the CASP6 experiment are to address the following questions about the current state of the art in protein structure prediction:

  1. Are the models produced similar to the corresponding experimental structure?
  2. Is the mapping of the target sequence onto the proposed structure (i.e. the alignment) correct?
  3. Have similar structures that a model can be based on been identified?
  4. Are the details of the models correct?
  5. Has there been progress from the earlier CASPs?
  6. What methods are most effective?
  7. Where can future effort be most productively focused?

CASP6 Scope and Related Experiments

As in earlier CASPs, all types of methods for predicting protein structure will be considered, ranging from comparative modeling through fold recognition and 'new fold' prediction. Contact prediction category remains with CASP6 while secondary structure prediction category is dropped. The new category, prediction of disordered regions in proteins, introduced in CASP5, will be evaluated if a sufficient number of targets will be available. Another new category, prediction of domain boundaries is introduced in CASP6. In addition, there will be additional activities included in CASP6, which will extend its scope.

CAFASP4: In the era of genome sequencing, rapid protein structure modeling methods have a critical role to play. This experiment will evaluate automatic methods of predicting protein structure, using the CASP targets. All targets will be processed through prediction servers that register for the experiment. Models will be evaluated by CASP6 criteria, and we will compare performance through the servers with that obtained when full human participation is allowed. Further details of this experiment may be found at CAFASP web site.

Large scaling benchmarking: It is hoped that the results of well run benchmarking experiments such as EVA and LIVEBENCH will also be included in the CASP meeting and publications.

SAC-CASP6: As in 2002, the CASP meeting will be joined by the Student Addendum Conference. SAC-CASP6 will use the same conference facilities as CASP6. It will start the day before CASP6 and will last one day.


Registration for the experiment starts in March. The first targets are expected to be available in May. The prediction season runs through August. Automatic evaluation of the predictions and their estimation by independent assessors take place in September - October. During this time all predictors are invited to submit abstracts describing their methods. In November the best groups are identified and invited to prepare a talk for the December CASP meeting, where the results of prediction assessment are discussed.


Participation is open to all. Intending participants, both human experts and fully automated servers, are requested to register. Those interested in receiving mailings concerning progress of the experiment may also register as 'observers'.


For the experiment to succeed, it is essential that we obtain the help of the experimental community. As in previous CASPs, we will invite protein crystallographers and NMR spectroscopists to provide details of structures they expect to have made public before October 1, 2004 using the target submission form that will be available at this web site in April. Prediction targets will also be made available through this web site. All targets will be assigned an expiry date, and predictions must be received and accepted before that expiration date.


Predictions should be submitted in CASP format (for 3D coordinate predictions it is simple PDB format with consecutive numbering of residues 1 -> N and added required headers). The prediction submission facility will be available here after first targets will be released.

Assessment of Predictions

As in previous CASPs, independent assessors will evaluate the predictions. There will be three assessors, representing expertise in the comparative modeling, fold recognition and new fold prediction areas. Assessors will be provided with the results of numerical evaluation of the predictions, and will judge the results primarily on that basis. They will be asked to focus particularly on the effectiveness of different methods. Numerical evaluation criteria will as far as possible be very similar to those used in CASP5, although the assessors may be permitted to introduce some additional ones.

Results and Publication

All CASP predictions and evaluations will be made available through this web site shortly before the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting will be published. All participants will also be encouraged to fully report their results on the FORCASP web site. Contributions will not be referred, but will be subject to scoring by other site users, providing quality assessment. The site will also provide a forum for more extensive discussion of the results.


A meeting to evaluate the results of the prediction experiment will be held at the Hotel Serapo in Gaeta (Italy) on December 4-8, 2004. Gaeta is a seaside town 100 Km south of Rome easily reachable by train from Rome. The meeting will be limited to about 200 participants and precedence will be given to active predictors. Some financial assistance will be available for the most successful predictors. It is expected that the format of the meeting will be changed from previous CASPs, concentrating more on progress in problem areas, rather than the best performers in each section, irrespective of whether there has been a significant change since last time.

Organizing Committee

       John Moult, CARB, University of Maryland, USA, (jmoult AT
       Krzysztof Fidelis, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, (fidelis AT
       Tim Hubbard, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK, (th AT
       Burkhard Rost, Columbia University, USA (rost AT
       Anna Tramontano, University of Rome, Italy (anna.tramontano AT


According to CASP policy, assessors are not allowed to be directly involved in the organization of the experiment, nor can they take part in the experiment in the role of predictors. The following people kindly agreed to be CASP6 assessors:

       Alfonso Valencia (CNB, Madrid) - for comparative modelling
       Roland Dunbrack (Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia) - for fold recognition
       BK Lee (NCI/NIH, Bethesda) - for new folds

Please note that predictors are strongly requested not to contact assessors directly with queries, but rather to send these to the email address.

Formats for Prediction Submission

Note: Secondary structure prediction category is dropped from CASP6. Two new categories - domain boundary prediction and function prediction - are introduced.

General rules

  • Predictions for CASP6 may be submitted in 6 separate formats:
      TS    # 3D atomic coordinates (Tertiary Structure) prediction
      AL    # Format to express unambiguous ALignments to PDB entries
      RR    # Residue-Residue separation distance prediction
      DR    # Order-Disorder Regions prediction
      DP    # Domain boundary prediction
      FN    # Function prediction

  • One team may make a prediction of a target by submitting up to five models in TS/AL, RR, DR, DP and FN formats (models in AL format are considered equivalent to those in TS format and will be translated to TS internally before evaluation). Most of the evaluation and assessment will focus on the model labeled '1' (model index 1, see MODEL record).

  • Each submission may contain only one of the six format categories.

  • Submission of each model begins with PFRMAT and ends with END record.

  • Each submission may contain only one model, beginning with the MODEL record, ending with END, and no target residue repetitions.

  • Submission of a duplicate model (same target, format category, group, model index) will replace previously accepted model, provided it is received before the target has expired.
    Note: models in AL format are considered equivalent to those in TS format.

  • Each submitted model is automatically verified by the format verification server. Only accepted models will be assigned an ACCESSION CODE. A unique ACCESSION CODE is composed from the number of the target, prediction format category, prediction group number, and model index.
       Accession code  T0044TS005_2  has the following components:
         T0044   target number
         TS      Tertiary Structure (PFRMAT TS)
         005     prediction group 5
         2       model index 2 (by default considered as FINAL/REFINED)
       Accession code  T0044TS005_2u  has the following components:
         T0044   target number
         TS      Tertiary Structure (PFRMAT TS)
         005     prediction group 5
         2u      model index 2 UNREFINED set of coordinates 

Format description

All submissions contain records described below. Each of these records must begin with a standard keyword. In all submissions standard keywords must begin in the first column of a record. The keyword set is as follows:
PFRMAT     Format specification code:  TS , AL , RR , DR, DP, FN 
TARGET     Target identifier from the CASP6 target table
AUTHOR     XXXX-XXXX-XXXX   Registration code of the Group Leader 
SCORE      Reliability of the model (optional) 
REMARK     Comment record (may appear anywhere after the first 3 required lines, optional)
METHOD     Records describing the methods used
MODEL      Beginning of the data section for the submitted model
PARENT     Specifies structure template used to generate the TS/AL model 
TER        Terminates independent segments of structure in the TS/AL model
END        End of the submitted model

Models should be submitted in Plain Text format.
One model per submission is a rule for 'human groups' and recommendation
for servers. Servers can also reply to our request by a single email with
all models included one after the other. Only 5 first models will be considered.

Record PFRMAT should appear on the first line of the prediction and is used for all submissions.

     TS  indicates that submission contains 3D atomic coordinates
         in standard PDB format

     RR  indicates that submission contains residue-residue 
         separation distance prediction

     AL  indicates that submission contains unambiguous alignments
         to PDB entries

     DR  indicates that submission contains order-disorder regions

     DP  indicates that submission contains domain prediction

     FN  indicates that submission contains function prediction

Record TARGET should appear on the second line of the prediction and is used for all submissions.

   TARGET Txxxx
     Txxxx indicates id of the target predicted.

Record AUTHOR should appear on the third line of the prediction and is used for all submissions.

     XXXX-XXXX-XXXX indicates the Group Leader's registration code.
          This code is the prediction submission code obtained upon
          CASP6 group registration.
          Members of prediction groups who intend to submit predictions
          should use the registration code of the Group Leader for all
          predictions submitted by that group.

          Server groups can provide their authentification in the form 
          where MY_GROUP_NAME is a name selected for the group at registration.

          There is also an alternative way for server groups to identify themselves
          using field REMARK: 

SCORE Optional. This record may be used to report a model reliability score. It will not influence the evaluation.

REMARK Optional. PDB style 'REMARK' records may be used anywhere in the submission. These records may contain any text and will in general not influence evaluation.

Records METHOD are used for all submissions.
These records describe the methods used. Predictors are urged to provide as full a description of the methods as possible, including references, data libraries used, and values of default and non-default parameters. These descriptions will be made available via the Prediction Center WEB pages as well as printed along with the other materials distributed at the meeting. Length of 100 - 500 words is suggested.

Record MODEL is used for all submissions.
Signifies the beginning of model data (3D atomic coordinates, an unambiguous alignment to a PDB entry, residue-residue separation distance prediction and order-disorder region predictions).

     n          Model index n is used to indicate predictor's ranking
                according to her/his belief which model is closest to the 
                target structure (1 <= n <= 5). Model index is included
                automatically in the ACCESSION CODE. All models with index
                higher than 5 will be discarded.
     REFINED    The set of coordinates labeled REFINED will be considered
                as a final model (to allow the evaluation of the results
                of an automated refinement process, such as molecular 
                dynamics). Models submitted without any label: REFINED or 
                UNREFINED will be considered by default as final.
     UNREFINED  Coordinates labeled UNREFINED will be compared only to 
                the final set (REFINED) with the same model index n, to 
                evaluate the effectiveness of the refinement method. If 
                UNREFINED model is submitted, a REFINED model must be 
                submitted as well. The letter "u" will be added to the 
                model index in the ACCESSION CODE of the UNREFINED model.

Record PARENT is used for all submissions in the TS (and AL) format.
PARENT record indicates structure templates used to generate any independent segment of MODEL (see description of the TS format below). The PARENT record should be placed as the first record of any such independent segment. Only one PARENT record per structure segment is allowed.

     Indicates an ab initio prediction, not directly based on any known
     structure. Note that this is the only indication in the file that the
     prediction is ab initio, so is a critical piece of information.

   PARENT NONE [n1 n2]
     Indicates that the predictor believes that there is no structure in
     the present PDB that is close enough to be used as a template. This
     is an entry requested by those predictors who use threading and
     sequence comparison methods. With structural genomics projects being
     designed to determine the structure of proteins with novel folds, the
     ability to predict when a fold is unknown is becoming increasingly
     important, and predictors are urged to make such submissions.
     Delimiters n1 n2 indicate the range of the target sequence predicted
     as having no homologue in the current PDB.
     Omission of n1 n2 indicates the entire target (see Example 1 (C)).

   PARENT mabc_A
     Indicates that the model or the independent segment of structure is
     based on a single PDB entry mabc chain A (use _A to indicate chain A).
     Most threading and sequence search submissions would now be submitted
     with this form of the PARENT record. A comparative modeler using a
     single parent structure would also use this form. Note that, in order
     to be accepted, the code must correspond to a current PDB entry.

   PARENT mcdc ndef_g [ohij_k ...]
     Is used only in comparative modeling and indicates that the model is
     based on more than one structure template. Up to five PDB chains
     may be listed here with additional detailed information included in
     the METHOD records. In threading and sequence search, subdomains of
     the target structure found to correspond to different known folds
     should be submitted as independent segments of structure with
     reference to only one PDB chain per segment.  

Record TER is used to terminate an independent segment of structure (PFRMAT TS and PFRMAT AL).


3D atomic coordinates (PFRMAT TS).
Standard PDB atom records are used for the atomic coordinates. Format of the submission requires that 80 column long records are used. These may be spaces when needed (see target template PDB files as provided in specific target descriptions available through the CASP6 target table). This requirement is necessitated by some of the software used in the evaluation of predictions.

Coordinates for each model or an independent structure segment should begin with a single PARENT record and terminate with a TER record (see above).

It is requested that coordinate data be supplied for at least all non-hydrogen main chain atoms, i.e. the N, CA, C and O atoms of every residue. Specifically, if only CA atoms are predicted by the method, predictors are encouraged to build the main chain atoms for every residue before submission to CASP. One program that can make such a conversion is Maxsprout server of Liisa Holm and co-workers. (If only CA atoms were submitted it would not be possible to run most of the analysis software, which would severely limit the evaluation of that prediction.) When multiple independent segments of structure are used in a prediction, they will be evaluated separately with no assumption of a common frame of reference between the segments. For any given MODEL, no target residue may be repeated among all such independent structure segments. Potential multi-domain nature of targets will be addressed in the evaluation even if the prediction is made in a single frame of reference (i.e. without separation into multiple segments of structure). For such predictions segmentation should only be used to allow multiple model predictions (effectively up to 5 predictions for each such domain).

     - atoms for which a prediction has been made must contain "1.0" in
       the occupancy field; those for which no prediction is made must
       either contain "0.0" in that field or be skipped altogether
     - error estimates, in Angstroms, when given should be provided in the 
       temperature factor field

An unambiguous alignment to a PDB entry used for threading predictions (PFRMAT AL).
Alignment for each model or an independent structure segment should begin with a single PARENT record and terminate with a TER record (see above). The (four column) alignment data records provide: target residue one letter symbol, target residue sequence number, PDB residue one letter symbol, and PDB residue sequence number with an insertion code if necessary (see Example 3):

   aa1 n1  aa2 n2

     - residues for which no prediction is made must be skipped
     - if a chain ID is specified in the PDB template of the target, then 
       the target residue sequence number should be composed of a chain ID 
       and residue number, e.g. A2, B44

The PDB code with chain extension of the structure the alignment is based on should be placed in the PARENT record. Only one PDB code per independent structure segment is allowed. PDB codes should refer to structures containing at least the main chain atomic coordinates (see the TS format). As in the case of coordinate submissions, when multiple independent segments of structure are used in a prediction, they will be evaluated separately with no assumption of a common frame of reference between the segments. For any given MODEL, no target residue may be repeated among all such independent structure segments. Potential multi-domain nature of targets will be addressed in the evaluation even if the prediction is made in a single frame of reference (i.e. without separation into multiple segments of structure). For such predictions segmentation should only be used to allow multiple model predictions (effectively up to 5 predictions for each such domain).
Note: The facility to translate sequence - structure alignments (AL format) into standard PDB atom records (TS format) is available as an additional AL2TS service.

Order-disorder regions prediction (PFRMAT DR).
Data in this format is inserted between MODEL and END records of the submission file.
The (three column) format record consists of residue code, Order/Disorder prediction code, and a number specifying the associated confidence level:

   aa  OD  p
The symbols for the 2 state order/disorder prediction are 'O'=order, 'D'=disorder. Last column should indicate a probability of a residue being in the disordered region. The value of this confidence level is in the range of 0.0 - 1.0. The entire sequence of the target should always be given. If parts cannot be predicted a probability of 0.5 should be used (see Example 5).

Domain boundary prediction (PFRMAT DP).
Data in this format is inserted between MODEL and END records of the submission file.
You may also specify PARENT field (optional) if you used homologues in assigning domains. It should be only one parent field per model and order of parents should correspond to the domain number, i.e. parent listed first corresponds to the domain assigned by you as number 1 and so on.
The format record consists of consecutive residue number n , residue code aa, domain number D and reliability score p (a real number between 0 (unreliable) and 1 (sure), optional).

   n  aa  D  p
The domain numbers are Arabic numerals going from 1 (for the first domain) to N for the N-th domain (which allows split domains to be easily coded). Put a dash '-' instead of a domain number if you cannot predict the domain for a particular residue. (see Example 6).

Protein function prediction (PFRMAT FN).
Data is inserted between MODEL and END records of the submission file.
The data consist of any number of lines in any order. Each line should start with one of the following keywords

GO category Molecular Function:
GO category Biological process:
GO category Cellular components:
Binding site:
Residue role:
PT modifications:

The format of each of the lines is described below:

GO category Molecular Function: Number <, residue1 - residue2>
GO category Biological process: Number <, residue1 - residue2>
GO category Cellular components: Number

Binding: Number1<.Number2>    <moleculename>
** Number code id is defined in Table I
** moleculename as Swissprot id or free text

Binding site: residue1, residue2, ...
Binding site: residue1 - residue2, <residue3 - residue4>, ...
** residueN (N=1, 2, ...) are residue numbers in target

Residue role: residue1 role
** residue1 is a residue number in target, role is free text.

PT modifications: Number1.Number2    <<Site1>, <Site2>>
** Number code id is defined in Table II
** Site1, Site 2 are residue numbers in target, numbered 1 to N

Comment: free text

Residue-Residue separation prediction (PFRMAT RR).
Data in this format is inserted between MODEL and END records of the submission file.
Format for the predicted separation distance between pairs of residues. The distance is defined as the separation between C-beta atoms (C-alpha for glycine residues).

The (five column) RR format:

   i  j  d1  d2  p

   Notes (see Example 2):
     - entire target sequence should be split over multiple lines with a
       maximum of 50 residues per line
     - for intrachain residue-residue contacts residue number indices 
       i and j should be used for distance specification (i < j), i.e. 
       only one diagonal of the separation matrix should be supplied
     - the distances d1 and d2 (real numbers) should indicate the range of 
       Cb-Cb distance predicted for the residue pair (C-alpha for glycines)
     - the real number p should range from 0.0 - 1.0 to indicate
       probability of the distance falling between the predicted range
     - residue 'contacts' (defined here - as in CASP2 - as Cb-Cb<8A) can be 
       predicted with this format as:
         i  j  0  8  p
     - any pair NOT listed is assumed to be NOT considered by predictor

END record is used for all predictions and indicates the end of a single model submission.

Predictions of multichain targets.
Atomic coordinates should contain chain IDs as provided in template files. In residue-residue contact predictions residue indices should be composed of chain ID and residue number, e.g. A2, B44 (see Example 4B).

Example 1. Atomic coordinates (Tertiary Structure)

The primary CASP6 format used for comparative modeling, threading and ab initio submission categories.

(A) An example of comparative modeling prediction. As this model is labeled UNREFINED, submission of a REFINED model is also required.

AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
PARENT 1abc 1def_A
ATOM      1  N   GLU     1      10.982  -9.774   1.377  1.00  0.50
ATOM      2  CA  GLU     1       9.623  -9.833   1.984  1.00  0.50
ATOM      3  C   GLU     1       8.913 -11.104   1.521  1.00  0.50
ATOM      4  O   GLU     1       9.187 -11.630   0.461  1.00  0.50
ATOM      5  CB  GLU     1       8.814  -8.614   1.546  1.00  0.50
ATOM      6  CG  GLU     1       7.372  -8.754   2.039  1.00  0.50
ATOM      7  CD  GLU     1       7.339  -8.625   3.562  1.00  0.50
ATOM      8  OE1 GLU     1       8.370  -8.307   4.131  1.00  0.50
ATOM      9  OE2 GLU     1       6.284  -8.846   4.132  1.00  0.50
ATOM     10  N   THR     2       7.998 -11.599   2.304  1.00  1.60
ATOM     11  CA  THR     2       7.266 -12.832   1.907  1.00  1.60
ATOM     12  C   THR     2       6.096 -12.456   1.005  1.00  1.60
ATOM     13  O   THR     2       5.008 -12.217   1.466  1.00  1.60
ATOM     14  CB  THR     2       6.731 -13.533   3.157  1.00  1.60
ATOM     15  OG1 THR     2       7.662 -13.379   4.220  1.00  1.60
ATOM     16  CG2 THR     2       6.526 -15.019   2.864  1.00  1.60
ATOM     17  N   VAL     3       6.308 -12.396  -0.278  1.00  1.70
ATOM     18  CA  VAL     3       5.190 -12.030  -1.187  1.00  1.70
ATOM     19  C   VAL     3       3.954 -12.870  -0.844  1.00  1.70
ATOM     20  O   VAL     3       2.834 -12.471  -1.090  1.00  1.70
ATOM     21  CB  VAL     3       5.608 -12.274  -2.641  1.00  1.70
ATOM     22  CG1 VAL     3       5.542 -13.771  -2.959  1.00  1.70
ATOM     23  CG2 VAL     3       4.664 -11.514  -3.573  1.00  1.70
ATOM     24  N   GLU     4       4.146 -14.029  -0.272  1.00  1.70
ATOM     25  CA  GLU     4       2.976 -14.882   0.086  1.00  1.60
ATOM     26  C   GLU     4       2.153 -14.190   1.175  1.00  1.50
ATOM     27  O   GLU     4       0.942 -14.141   1.109  1.00  1.40
ATOM     28  CB  GLU     4       3.465 -16.238   0.597  1.00  1.30
ATOM     29  CG  GLU     4       2.336 -17.264   0.479  1.00  1.20
ATOM     30  CD  GLU     4       2.929 -18.671   0.391  1.00  1.10
ATOM     31  OE1 GLU     4       4.056 -18.846   0.823  1.00  1.00
ATOM     32  OE2 GLU     4       2.246 -19.551  -0.108  1.00  0.90
(B) A model consisting of 2 independent structure segments (could be a target modeled from two PDB domains, where relative orientation is unknown; could be 2 fragments predicted by ab initio methods - ab initio example shown). In a single MODEL no residue should appear twice among all such segments.
AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
ATOM      1  N   GLU     1      10.982  -9.774   1.377  1.00  0.50
ATOM      2  CA  GLU     1       9.623  -9.833   1.984  1.00  0.50
ATOM      3  C   GLU     1       8.913 -11.104   1.521  1.00  0.50
ATOM      4  O   GLU     1       9.187 -11.630   0.461  1.00  0.50
ATOM      5  CB  GLU     1       8.814  -8.614   1.546  1.00  0.50
ATOM      6  CG  GLU     1       7.372  -8.754   2.039  1.00  0.50
ATOM      7  CD  GLU     1       7.339  -8.625   3.562  1.00  0.50
ATOM      8  OE1 GLU     1       8.370  -8.307   4.131  1.00  0.50
ATOM      9  OE2 GLU     1       6.284  -8.846   4.132  1.00  0.50
ATOM     10  N   THR     2       7.998 -11.599   2.304  1.00  1.60
ATOM     11  CA  THR     2       7.266 -12.832   1.907  1.00  1.60
ATOM     12  C   THR     2       6.096 -12.456   1.005  1.00  1.60
ATOM     13  O   THR     2       5.008 -12.217   1.466  1.00  1.60
ATOM     14  CB  THR     2       6.731 -13.533   3.157  1.00  1.60
ATOM     15  OG1 THR     2       7.662 -13.379   4.220  1.00  1.60
ATOM     16  CG2 THR     2       6.526 -15.019   2.864  1.00  1.60
ATOM     24  N   GLU     4       4.146 -14.029  -0.272  1.00  1.70
ATOM     25  CA  GLU     4       2.976 -14.882   0.086  1.00  1.60
ATOM     26  C   GLU     4       2.153 -14.190   1.175  1.00  1.50
ATOM     27  O   GLU     4       0.942 -14.141   1.109  1.00  1.40
ATOM     28  CB  GLU     4       3.465 -16.238   0.597  1.00  1.30
ATOM     29  CG  GLU     4       2.336 -17.264   0.479  1.00  1.20
ATOM     30  CD  GLU     4       2.929 -18.671   0.391  1.00  1.10
ATOM     31  OE1 GLU     4       4.056 -18.846   0.823  1.00  1.00
ATOM     32  OE2 GLU     4       2.246 -19.551  -0.108  1.00  0.90
ATOM     17  N   VAL     3       6.308 -12.396  -0.278  1.00  1.70
ATOM     18  CA  VAL     3       5.190 -12.030  -1.187  1.00  1.70
ATOM     19  C   VAL     3       3.954 -12.870  -0.844  1.00  1.70
ATOM     20  O   VAL     3       2.834 -12.471  -1.090  1.00  1.70
ATOM     21  CB  VAL     3       5.608 -12.274  -2.641  1.00  1.70
ATOM     22  CG1 VAL     3       5.542 -13.771  -2.959  1.00  1.70
ATOM     23  CG2 VAL     3       4.664 -11.514  -3.573  1.00  1.70
(C) Threading/Fold Recognition prediction stating that target has no homologue in the current PDB.
AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used

Example 2. Residue-Residue contact prediction

The flexibility offered by the new format allows algorithms parameterized to predict any distance range to be used. Below is an example of how to use the new residue-residue separation distance format to submit a prediction of residue contacts defined as Cb-Cb distances < 8 A.
AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
HLEGSIGILLKKHEIVFDGC       # <- entire target sequence (up to 50 
HDFGRTYIWQMSD              #    residues per line)
1  9  0  8  0.70        
1 10  0  8  0.70           # <- indices of residues: i and j (integers), 
1 12  0  8  0.60           # <- the range of Cb-Cb distance predicted
1 14  0  8  0.20           #    for the residue pair: d1 and d2 (real),
1 15  0  8  0.10           # <- probability of the distance between 
1 17  0  8  0.30           #    Cb atoms being within the specified
1 19  0  8  0.50           #    range: p (real)
2  8  0  8  0.90
3  7  0  8  0.70
3 12  0  8  0.40
3 14  0  8  0.70
3 15  0  8  0.30
4  6  0  8  0.90
7 14  0  8  0.30
9 14  0  8  0.50

Example 3. An alternative alignment format for Threading/Fold Recognition predictions

Alignments will be converted into a 3D structures.

(A) Format to express unambiguous alignments to PDB entries 'mabc_A' and 'nefg'.

AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
M  21    V  11 
P  22    D  12  
N  23    A  12A 
F  24    F  12B 
A  25    L  13  
P  32    D  22  
N  33    A  23 
F  34    F  24 
A  35    L  25  
E  75    T  73   
T  76    T  74   
V  77    A  75  
D  78    D  76  
G  79    D  77  
R  80    R  78  
(B) Format to express unambiguous alignments to PDB entry 'mabc_D'. An example of how to use the AL format to submit a prediction of the target with a chain name of 'A'.
AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
M  A21    V  11 
P  A22    D  12  
N  A23    A  12A 
F  A24    F  12B 
A  A25    L  13  
P  A32    D  22  
N  A33    A  23 
F  A34    F  24 
A  A35    L  25  

Example 4. Predictions of multichain targets (chains A and B)

(A) An example of 3D atomic coordinates model prediction.
AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
ATOM     17  N   VAL A   3       6.308 -12.396  -0.278  1.00  1.70
ATOM     18  CA  VAL A   3       5.190 -12.030  -1.187  1.00  1.70
ATOM     19  C   VAL A   3       3.954 -12.870  -0.844  1.00  1.70
ATOM     20  O   VAL A   3       2.834 -12.471  -1.090  1.00  1.70
ATOM     21  CB  VAL A   3       5.608 -12.274  -2.641  1.00  1.70
ATOM     22  CG1 VAL A   3       5.542 -13.771  -2.959  1.00  1.70
ATOM     23  CG2 VAL A   3       4.664 -11.514  -3.573  1.00  1.70
ATOM     24  N   GLU A   4       4.146 -14.029  -0.272  1.00  1.70
ATOM     25  CA  GLU A   4       2.976 -14.882   0.086  1.00  1.60
ATOM     26  C   GLU A   4       2.153 -14.190   1.175  1.00  1.50
ATOM     27  O   GLU A   4       0.942 -14.141   1.109  1.00  1.40
ATOM     28  CB  GLU A   4       3.465 -16.238   0.597  1.00  1.30
ATOM     29  CG  GLU A   4       2.336 -17.264   0.479  1.00  1.20
ATOM     30  CD  GLU A   4       2.929 -18.671   0.391  1.00  1.10
ATOM     31  OE1 GLU A   4       4.056 -18.846   0.823  1.00  1.00
ATOM     32  OE2 GLU A   4       2.246 -19.551  -0.108  1.00  0.90
REMARK  NOTE: Predictor should NOT use TER separator between chains 
REMARK        if multichain independent segment of structure has to 
REMARK        be evaluated as a one fragment
ATOM      1  N   GLU B   1      10.982  -9.774   1.377  1.00  0.50
ATOM      2  CA  GLU B   1       9.623  -9.833   1.984  1.00  0.50
ATOM      3  C   GLU B   1       8.913 -11.104   1.521  1.00  0.50
ATOM      4  O   GLU B   1       9.187 -11.630   0.461  1.00  0.50
ATOM      5  CB  GLU B   1       8.814  -8.614   1.546  1.00  0.50
ATOM      6  CG  GLU B   1       7.372  -8.754   2.039  1.00  0.50
ATOM      7  CD  GLU B   1       7.339  -8.625   3.562  1.00  0.50
ATOM      8  OE1 GLU B   1       8.370  -8.307   4.131  1.00  0.50
ATOM      9  OE2 GLU B   1       6.284  -8.846   4.132  1.00  0.50
ATOM     10  N   THR B   2       7.998 -11.599   2.304  1.00  1.60
ATOM     11  CA  THR B   2       7.266 -12.832   1.907  1.00  1.60
ATOM     12  C   THR B   2       6.096 -12.456   1.005  1.00  1.60
ATOM     13  O   THR B   2       5.008 -12.217   1.466  1.00  1.60
ATOM     14  CB  THR B   2       6.731 -13.533   3.157  1.00  1.60
ATOM     15  OG1 THR B   2       7.662 -13.379   4.220  1.00  1.60
ATOM     16  CG2 THR B   2       6.526 -15.019   2.864  1.00  1.60
(B) An example of how to use the RR format to submit a prediction of interchain (chains A and B) residue-residue contacts defined as Cb-Cb distances < 8 A.
AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
HLEGSIGILLKKHEIVFDGC         # <- entire target sequence (up to 50 
HDFGRTYIWQMSD                #    residues per line)
A1 B9   0  8  0.70        
A1 B10  0  8  0.70           # <- indices of residues: Ai and Bj, 
A1 B12  0  8  0.60           # <- the range of Cb-Cb distance predicted
A1 B14  0  8  0.20           #    for the residue pair: d1 and d2 (real),
A1 B15  0  8  0.10           # <- probability of the distance between 
A1 B17  0  8  0.30           #    Cb atoms being within the specified
A1 B19  0  8  0.50           #    range: p (real)
A2 B8   0  8  0.90
A3 B7   0  8  0.70
A3 B12  0  8  0.40
A3 B14  0  8  0.70
A3 B15  0  8  0.30
A4 B6   0  8  0.90
A7 B14  0  8  0.30
A9 B14  0  8  0.50

Example 5. Order-disorder regions prediction

Example of order-disorder regions prediction.

AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
H D 0.70           # <- residue code,
L D 0.80           # <- order/disorder assignment code,
E D 0.80           # <- the number specifying the associated
G D 0.60           #    confidence level: 0.5 - residue not predicted 
S D 0.90           #                     >0.5 - disordered region 
I O 0.50           #                     <0.5 - ordered region
G O 0.40
I O 0.40
L O 0.30
L O 0.50
K O 0.50
K O 0.30
H O 0.20
E O 0.20
I O 0.40
V O 0.45
F D 0.60
D D 0.90
G D 0.60
C D 0.80

Example 6. Domain boundary prediction

AUTHOR xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
PARENT 1abc 1efg   # optional; 1abc was used to assign domain #1, 1efg - #2  
1 H 1 0.90         
2 L 1 0.90        
3 E 1 0.90       
4 G 1 0.90           
5 S 1 0.90          
6 I 1 0.90         
7 G 1 0.60
8 I - 0.60
9 L - 0.80
10 L 2 0.80
11 K 2 0.90
12 K 2 0.90
13 H 2 0.90
14 E 2 0.90
15 I 2 0.90
16 V 2 0.75
17 F - 0.60
18 D 1 0.90
19 G 1 0.90
20 C 1 0.90
Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)
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